Lato-Sobolewski Family Trees

Frequently asked questions

What is the proper way to enter places within the family tree?
What is the history and meaning of Polish last names?

What is the proper way to enter places within the family tree?

Places can be associated with most Individual and Family event records. Entering a place properly in the family tree helps to maintain consistnecy across all the entries, helps reduce admisitrative overhead for the family tree admin team, and ensures that the Google Maps integration works.  

Places are defined by the heirarchy of Administrative divisions, with the country being the hights or most broad divistion. Places should be entered in order from local (on the left) to broadest (on the right) and comma seperated.  This generally would be:

Specific Place, City, County, State, Country

A specific place would be a church, cemetery, university contained within a City. The County is included as most records tend to be kept at the county level, having the county in the place helps for genelogical research purposes (now and in the future).  The easiest way to find the county for a specific city is search wikipedia.

There are some country specific variations to the place naming convention used within the family tree. Place components in [square brackets] below are considered optional based on if the higher administrative division uses that lower division or based on it's knoweldge at time of data entry. Below are the conventions for the major Countries currently contained within the Family Tree:


What is the history and meaning of Polish last names?

The Lato last name means summer in the Polish language, which we have been told means that it is a very old Polish name.  One of the goals of the family tree is to try to research back to find more of the historical significants of the name.  Some times families in Europe would send children to study at the Vatican in Rome, people would stay in Italy after studying and a few generations later a name would become Italian. While doing research for the family tree many Italian Latos have been encountered, the theory being that these are a distant branch of the Polish origination.

As of this writing we don't have any historical background on the Sobolewski last name. Thought it should be noted that some members of the Sobolewski family dropped the w from the name since it was silent, transforming the name to Soboleski.  

There are also many Polish naming conventions regarding -ski and -ska, where -ska was sometimes used to denote a female in the family. A Foreigner’s Guide to Polish Names and A Foreigner’s Guide to Polish Surnames are interesting articles that goes into Polish names in more detail.   
